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Старый 28.10.2006, 16:47   #1  
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MS Dynamics Ax and More: How to start a specific Batch Group during Startup
Right now it is not possible to start a specific batch group with a startup command. You certainly can start the batch processing, but within the standard applications it is not possible to start one or more specific batch groups. The problem is caused by a missing parameter within the "SysStartupCmdBatchRun" class.

Now we add a new method to this class:

container CMHParmInCont()
container conParm;
int i, j;
str parmString;
conparm = conNull();

for (i = 1; i 0)
parmString = substr(parm, i, j-i);
parmString = substr(parm, i, strlen(parm) -i +1);
j = i + strlen(parmString);

conParm += parmString;
return conParm;

This method extracts the given batchgroupids from the startup command.

The second and last step is to modify the existing infoRun() method in a way that it starts the different batch jobs:

void infoRun()
batchRun batchRun = new batchRun();
BatchGroupId groupId;
container conParm;
int i;

if (parm)
parm = strrem(parm, ' ');
conParm = this.KBSParmInCont();


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