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Старый 11.11.2011, 21:12   #1  
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crminthefield: CRM 2011 Outlook Client Performance Delays Caused by Expect: 100-continue Setting

Recently I was working on a Performance Review focused on CRM 2011 Outlook Performance. When I was reviewing Fiddler traces I noticed that every WCF request had a delay of around 350ms. This delay was only happening on machines that had a slower network connection to the CRM server. The data below is captured from a machine which latency was 130ms and bandwidth of around 105KB/Sec.  The delay was occurring between ClientBeginRequest and ClientDoneRequest which is when the request is still being read on the local machine. In the following example we can see that the delay here is 359ms which accounts for 74% of the request time.

After working with a colleague he found that the delay was caused by a .Net setting called Expect100Continue.  He wrote the blog article  .NET HttpWebRequests and Expect: 100-continue based on this case that goes into greater detail on this setting and why it caused the delays.

Steps to Disable this Functionality.

1. Navigate to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Client\” and open the “client{guid}.config” file in a text editor such as notepad.

2. Insert the following block of XML in the section of the CONFIG file. 


After making the changes we can see there is no longer a delay and this single request went from 483ms down to 125ms.

Impact Across Several Requests.

Below are more screenshots showing the impact across the several requests made when pulling up the Account Grid in Outlook. With this one change the subsequent Account Grid load went from 5.74s to 3.56s.




In my testing I have had positive results. If you work in an environment which users are connecting across a high latency/low bandwidth connection they may also benefit from this.

For more information about our team or performance review service please visit our team web site.

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