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Старый 14.11.2008, 18:05   #1  
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axStart: Covergence 2008

Why should you go to the Convergence 2008 Copenhagen, Its easy! take a look at the sessions and you know why.
·        Building Business Integrations with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Learn how you can leverage Microsoft Dynamics AX's Application Integration Framework (AIF) to build business integrations. This session gives a brief introduction to common integration scenarios and walks through the process of building Microsoft Dynamics AX services and publishing Microsoft Dynamics AX services through asynchronous adapters and web services. You'll learn how to consume external web services published within your enterprise or in the public Internet from within Microsoft Dynamics AX.
·        Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server
Learn more about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 server. You will learn about various server features like security, load balancing, AD integration, and various deployment options including support for SQL Server 2008. The new Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 server has many amazing new features that you have been requested, such as server based batch framework, multiple time zone support, 64-bit support, Hyper-V support and advanced clustering support. You will also learn about the new SCOM management pack that will be available for AX 2009 and the AX plug-in created for the Windows Essential Business Server.
·        Performance, Sizing and Benchmark Enhancement in the Application and Technology for Microsoft Dynamics AX
We'll reveal the latest information on our benchmarking for performance, including where we are, along with the latest tuning tips and techniques. With an emphasis on how to plan your performance during implementation and post production, you'll also learn performance tips for helping manage an effective upgrade into our latest releases.
·        AOS Troubleshooting
Attend this session to gain tips and best practices for setting up and configuring your AOS server. We'll discuss troubleshooting techniques for the AOS, with emphasis on AOS crashes, caching and connectivity issues.
·        Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Data Access Framework
This session reveals Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 innovations, including the next generation ERP Application Server that directly competes with SAP and Oracle in core and upper mid-market segments. Together, we'll explore the overall data access framework that sets the path toward LINQ style programming in future AX versions.
·        Building Business Integrations with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 - A Deep Dive
Join this interactive discussion to gain a detailed understanding in how Microsoft Dynamics AX can be integrated into business processes, based on selected code examples. We’ll highlight how to work with Microsoft Dynamics AX services and service references, and we'll discuss the differences in AIF between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.
·        Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX X++
Discover the deep dive internals of X++ programming in Microsoft Dynamics AX. You'll learn best practices that help implement high quality production code in X++ and programming patterns to help address common functional requirements. You'll also gain a deep insight into the underpinnings of X++ code execution at run time and integration with the .NET platform to help enable composite Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions.
·        Streamlining the Procurement Process using Purchase Requisitions and Requests For Quote (RFQ) in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Learn how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 can help support you in addressing purchasing requirements from non-professional purchasing agents through the Purchase Requisition and Request For Quote (RFQ) modules. See how a purchase requisition is processed using the steps of create, complete and approve - before a purchase order is created. We'll also review how RFQs can be integrated into this process.
·        Performance Management and Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics AX Financials
Help your decision makers get the most from your system by learning about the performance management and reporting options for financials in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
·        Data Management: Intelligent Data Management, Purge and Archive Capabilities
Learn the plans for Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Management Framework. With the future provision of intelligently managing data layouts from both a SQL and business perspective, we'll discuss the framework that would allow for purging and archiving data, leading to lower TCO and higher efficiency. Join us as we analyze and discuss the opportunities and implications.
·        Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal and Role Centers
Attend this deep-dive session on the Enterprise portal and the new 30+ Role Centers for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. See how to build and customize enterprise portal pages and Role Centers to add new functionality and KPI metrics to help improve your user's productivity.
·        Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
This session will take you through the end-to-end flow of upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0 or Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. We'll overview the code upgrade as well as the data upgrade process, along with recommended best practices. Examples of the improved upgrade documentation, with a focus on the implementation guidelines, will be highlighted, and we'll cover tips on performing the upgrade more efficiently and effectively. You'll also learn the extra upgrade steps needed if you've extended your solution.
·        Microsoft Dynamics AX Security
This session will focus on Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.x, 2009, and future security innovations. Incremental security improvements are being added to Dynamics AX that provide a solution that meets customers increasing security demands. Understand how the administration model has been improved (see the new Active Directory Import Wizard) and finally get a glimpse of where security is headed in future releases of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
·        IDAX04 ISV Integration
Explore the various scenarios and technologies available to integrate an industry-specific vertical to the strong ERP backbone provided by Microsoft Dynamics AX. This session will discuss best practices and tips for integrating external applications.
·        Microsoft Dynamics AX End-to-End Performance Troubleshooting and Analysis
With an emphasis on the details, this session will take you through end-to-end troubleshooting techniques for Microsoft Dynamics AX as a stack. We'll discuss decomposing Microsoft Dynamics AX run time issues, client server interactions, X++ methods and classes, design patterns and good code. SQL tuning, SQL optimization and call graphing of your execution/stacks will also be highlighted. Overall, we'll focus on providing and packaging in-house tools and techniques for your effective use in day-to-day performance tuning.

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