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Старый 02.07.2009, 22:05   #1  
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Arijit Basu: AX Intelligent Data Management Tool : Inside look

After a few hitches I've managed finally to get the IDMF started up and running and the results are pretty nice. One prerequisite is that you must have XRef done on your DB (Production :-(). Also during the post install steps watch out for the windows application log coz that goes full and you have to clean it up. However after you complete the post install steps and have executed the batches, the results are nice. Just that the XRef* tables always occupy the top tables in terms of rows and size :(. Here are some screens (Done on AX 2009 SP1; WIN 2003 R2SP2,SQL 2008 ENT).
Analysis Dashboard:

Dashboard Closeup:

Analysis Details:

Data Purging (Visual XRef):

Happy DAXING :)

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ax2009, idmf, intelligent data management, администрирование, база данных


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