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Старый 14.07.2009, 15:05   #1  
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Fred Shen: Dynalink in Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal

The classic Dynalink is still available when we are programming AX2009 Enterprise Portal.

So normally during the Enterprise portal programming, we don’t need to pass the parameter by using CreatingDataSetRun event to create the QueryBuildRange object and specify the range value (AX did that for us already!), if we have the table or EDT relations set up properly.

Apparently the context record is passed by the QueryString parameters.

For example, the QueryString “EPProjTableInfo.aspx?WTID=624&WKEY=%5b65534%3a5637144829%5d&WCMP=DAT”, AX will retrieve the context record by using the unique pair value (WTID = TableId, WKEY = RecId).

In the user control, we can use the following code to get the context record:

using Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.UI;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Metadata.Ax;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Data.Ax;
    AxTableContext context = AxBaseWebPart.GetWebpart(this).ExternalContext;
    if (context != null &&
        context.TableId == TableMetadata.TableNum(AxBaseWebPart.GetWebpart(this).Session, “ProjTable”))
        string projId = context.DateKey.GetRecord(this.AxSession).GetField(“ProjId”).ToString()';

In the DataSet, we can use args objects to return the context record as we do in AX client programming:

public void init()


    TableId tableId;

    ProjTable projTable;

    ProjId projId;


    tableId = element.args().dataSet();



        case tableNum(ProjTable):

                projTable = element.args().record();

                projId = projTable.projId;






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