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Старый 26.04.2010, 11:20   #1  
HRMS is offline
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SDE II in Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen
The Global Financial Management team (GFM) within the Dynamics AX product group extends and adjusts system functionality within global and local legal and competitive features for more than 30 countries across the globe. GFM development has development centers based in Western Europe (Copenhagen), Eastern Europe (Moscow), Asia Pac (China) and North America (Redmond, Fargo).

The GFM development team has open position as Software Development Engineer based out of Copenhagen (Denmark).

We are looking for skilled developers with:

- At least 3 years of Dynamics AX development experience with the ability to plan, design, develop and document software
- A passion for quality and continuous improvement of processes and software
- Strong debugging skills and the proven ability to quickly understand other developers' code
- Demonstrated ability to meet tight deadlines, follow development standards and to work independently
- A background or business knowledge within Finance or Supply Chain Management
- Strong analytical skills
- Commitment to team play
- Clear and effective communication skills
- A good command of written and spoken English
- Education or working experience at bachelors/masters level

Job description:

As a Software Development Engineer in the application domain of the Dynamics AX product group, you will be responsible for planning, designing, implementing, documenting and stabilizing new features. The role will also require maintaining and improving already existing code. All of the above will be done in close coordination with other team members and teams.

To find more about vacancy:

To apply for the position you can send your CV and write to Sinead Kelly

Последний раз редактировалось HRMS; 26.04.2010 в 11:22.

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