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Старый 30.01.2012, 00:11   #1  
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sanjayjain: Webcast: How to transform your Dynamics business with Windows Azure

Do you offer any Line-Of-Business (LOB) solution today or see an opportunity to launch an application for an industry vertical, or tap a different market segment or geography . You may want to join us for this upcoming one hour webcast (Feb 8, 2012 noon ET) to learn and leverage Windows Azure Platform offerings and relevant resources available to your team to accelerate your business transformation.

  • Windows Azure Platform Overview
  • Dynamics Product Roadmap Updates
  • Key Scenarios
  • Business & Technical Resources Available
  • Special Cloud Acceleration Initiatives for SIs, CSVs (Cloud Service Vendors) and Startups
  • Demo
  • Q & A
Additional Resources:

Sanjay Jain
ISV Architect Evangelist
Microsoft Corporation

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