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Старый 16.01.2008, 15:00   #1  
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axcoder: Syntax highlighting of X++ code in your blog or site

1. Download highlight.js archive
2. Unpack archive and place it on your site
3. Аdd the following lines at start your html

<SPAN class="tag"></SPAN class="keyword"script/SPAN>
<SPAN class="tag">
</SPAN class="keyword"script/SPAN>

(or, add html/javascript block with that content in the template editor. If you use blogger, you should replace path to the script with full path to site where you uploaded the script like "")

4. Include attach the sample.css stylesheet to your page or add it's contents to the "style" tag of your blogger template

5. Post your code snippets like this:

<SPAN class="tag"><SPAN class="tag">
// your code here
</SPAN class="keyword"code/SPAN></SPAN class="keyword"pre/SPAN>

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