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Старый 13.09.2012, 15:19   #1  
Ramona is offline
34 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 30.05.2011
Dynamics AX Senior Developer & Technical Architect - relocate to Europe
My client is an award-winning MS Gold Partner based in one of the nicest and picturesque countries in Southern Europe.

They are looking for talented MS Dynamics AX Senior Developers and Solutions Architects educated to degree level in IT and with at least 3-4 years Dynamics AX / AXAPTA experience.

The key responsibilities will include analysing, designing, developing and supporting Dynamics AX 2009 / 2012 based solutions.

This is a fantastic role with a reputable company placing an emphasis on personal development and great benefits for employees.
If you are looking to gain international work and life experience, work with latest technologies and take part in numerous challenging AX 2012 projects then this is the right opportunity for you!

Successful candidates will be rewarded with salary of €25,000 - €30,000 + Bonus for Developer positions and €30,000 - €35,000 + Bonus for Technical Architect positions.

In addition, my client will sponsor your work permit and entry visa as well as pay for your travel expenses and accommodation for first time while you settle down.

You will also get an entitlement to overtime, 25 days’ vacation leave, health insurance for yourself and your family and life insurance.

To be considered for this role you MUST have relevant MS Dynamics AX experience, speak good English and be 100% ready to permanently move abroad.

To find out more about this role and company contact Ramona Namsone on now!

My client is looking for a fast turn around and will commence interviews immediately so only genuinely interested candidates must contact myself ASAP!!

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