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Старый 17.07.2013, 14:11   #1  
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axmfg: Whitepaper "Lean manufacturing - Capable to promise and Kanban job scheduling" for CU6 now available for download

With Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, two new concepts were introduced for lean manufacturing:
  • Event kanbans, which support build-to-order and assemble-to-order scenarios, and also – in combination with the product configurator – configure-to-order scenarios.
  • Capable to promise (CTP), a new delivery date control method that can be used to calculate the expected delivery date at the time of order entry, based on an update of the dynamic master plan.

In the recently released cumulative update 6 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 these concepts have now been combined to work together.

The white paper starts by explaining the fundamental mechanics of kanban job scheduling for simple and complex production flow configurations. It then introduces the concept of capable to promise in general (lean and non lean applications), and explains how CTP interacts with planned and actual kanban jobs. Finally, it explains how CTP can be combined with event kanbans, and what changes are introduced in cumulative update 6 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 to provide better support for build-to-order and assemble-to-order scenarios with CTP.

You can download the whitepaper from these locations (requires registered Microsoft account):

Download URL - Customersource - Partnersource

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