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Старый 22.02.2014, 02:13   #1  
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msdyncomm: The Impact of Omni-Channel on Retail Operations & Why It's Important to You

The Impact of Omni-Channel on Retail Operations & Why It's Important to You

Our experts answer questions such as: What are the top challenges facing retailers in an Omni-Channel world? How do consumers define Omni-Channel and why is it important? What is the primary role of digital and other channels in a retailer's overall brand identity? What can retailers do to differentiate themselves in providing a customer-friendly Omni-Channel experience? With Leslie Belcher, Microsoft Retail Industry Market Development Director, hosted special guests Michael Griffiths, Microsoft Dynamics Global Director Retail and Distribution, and Paula Rosenblum, Managing Partner of Retail Systems Research.
From:Microsoft Dynamics
Time:51:10More inScience & Technology

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