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Старый 09.08.2004, 18:01   #1  
mazzy is offline
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The SMTP Mail component was developed by Stephan Stapel and was submitted to mibuso on the 11 of October 2003...thank you Stephan, the component works like a charm.

I had one problem with the component: The error trapping is very difficult, since the component does not return an error code, but instead, raises an exception when an error occurs. That makes it very difficult to use the component in an unmanned environment, like when using the component in an email dispatcher.

I have changed the SmtpMailXControl1_TLB.pas file to perform a "TRY EXCEPT ON EXCEPTION" on every step in the process of sending an email. By doing this, you can do proper exception handling from Navision, since a result code of 0 is returned with the SMTP error number, instead of the component raising it's own exception.

Once again, I do not take credit for writing this component, I merely made a change to it...but that is the purpose of this site, right? To live, and let live!

полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.
Старый 09.08.2004, 18:30   #2  
Dzemon is offline
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Наверное он не ошибся ;-)

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