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Старый 14.05.2005, 13:33   #1  
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
The technology, which Sun CEO Scott McNealy and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer discussed here Friday, helps bridge a rift many computer users and administrators must wrestle with during the login process. Sun and Microsoft demonstrated "single sign-on" software that, when it's widely available, will let a person log in once to use network services that previously required separate authentications.

"We're poised to leave the computer lab now and really enter the marketplace together," Ballmer said.


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Старый 14.05.2005, 13:35   #2  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Sun, Microsoft Join Forces on ID Management
On Friday, Sun CEO Scott McNealy of Sun and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that their companies have jointly developed and published two draft specifications to allow people to sign on once to multiple networks. Previously, the companies led competing efforts to achieve the same goal.

The technology news, though, was overshadowed by the joint appearance of McNealy and Ballmer, who until April 2004 were bitter enemies. McNealy once referred to Microsoft's executive team of Ballmer and Bill Gates as "Beavis and Butthead."

Sun also sued for alleged anticompetitive behavior after Microsoft rewrote elements of Sun's Java programming environment specific to its Windows operating system. Later, Microsoft said it would yank Java entirely from its ubiquitous software.

The wrangling ended in last spring, when the companies surprised the world with a $1.95 billion settlement and 10-year collaboration agreement. Since then, the companies have been working hard at working together, Ballmer said.

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Старый 14.05.2005, 13:39   #3  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Значит Бивис и Батхед?
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