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Опции темы Поиск в этой теме Опции просмотра
Старый 24.03.2006, 15:48   #1  
Golovanov_Sergey is offline
10 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
Location: Moscow

Drive MBS revenue into the Corporate Accounts space
Build and manage a sales pipeline for the products on your quota working with account unit team members and other specialist sales roles.
Accelerate adoption of MBS solutions to achieve customer satisfaction and reference accounts / case studies for future sales
Develop in-depth understanding of these products and related solutions and the value they bring in solving business problems
Developing and engaging with solutions partners (either directly or through PAM’s) early in the sales cycle

Strong, proven track record of solution selling, based on business value principles, including 5-7 years of experience focused on selling solutions to solving Enterprise customer problems based on technology
History of holding and consistently exceeding quota
Proven record of effective account management, including Account Planning, Opportunity Management, and Business Management Excellence and working as part of a larger virtual team
Strong objection handling skills
Demonstrated ability to perform beyond the typical sales role, e.g. breaking the mold in terms of size transaction and complexity of sale
Demonstrated ability to develop strong relationships with counterpart sales teams in key partners (SIs, Outsourcers, and ISVs)
Dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and/or external customers
Problem Solver – Uses systematic approach to uncover true problem(s) and practical solution and can marshal resources to solve problem.

Salary and social package: from 2500 $ gross plus bonus scheme, medical and life insurance, lunch allowance, mobile phone, trainings

Sergey Golovanov
Microsoft Russia & CIS
(EPG, PS, Services)
Phone: +7-095- 641 24 92
Phone +7-095-967-85-85 (ext. 292)

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