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Старый 30.10.2017, 03:36   #1  
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sinedax: The client id must be unique across all clients - Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations On Premises Installation

Hi Guys

To the same Customer I'm going to install the second On Premise Environment.

During the "Step 18 - Configure AD FS" I had run the following command in order to create the new Application:

.\Publish-ADFSApplicationGroup.ps1 -HostUrl '' -ApplicationName 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations On-premises ENVNAME'

Here I raised the error "The client id must be unique across all clients"

I checked the log wrote in the same folder as the script and I notice that the process failed to the script "D365FO-OP\D365FO-OP-ADFSApplicationGroup.psm1” at line 199

Here the "workflowClientId" is set with a fixed ID value.

I guess is a error so, I changed the line in:

"$workflowClientId = ([guid]::NewGuid())"
Before rerun the script, delete the partial Application created before through the ADFS Management Console

Till Soon!

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