04.01.2018, 15:10 | #1 |
Microsoft Commercial and Enterprise CVP to analysts: Aggressive cloud investment can co-exist with customers' hybrid, on-prem interests
Решил с некоторым опозданием повесить ссылочку на заметку на MS Dynamics World.
Я просто замечу, что в переводе с микрософтовского на русский, термин "biggest opportunity to grow" во фразе ""Satya would say Dynamics [is] our biggest opportunity for growth and I think it's [our] biggest opportunity for good healthy gross margin." переводится как "наиболее провальные продажи". Также фраза "Any customers that we talk to are clearly in the mode of we need to move to the cloud." переводится как "Любой клиент, с которым мы разговаривали совсем даже не стремится купить облака". Типа, я тебя поцелую, потом, если захочешь... |
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: EVGL (1), Logger (1), ax_mct (2). |
12.01.2018, 17:16 | #2 |
Почему ты такой злой?
13.01.2018, 16:24 | #3 |
"Satya would say Dynamics [is] our biggest opportunity for growth and I think it's [our] biggest opportunity for good healthy gross margin."
"The history of biz apps has been about big monolithic applications where people need to pay a lot of money and then pay even more money to get them implemented. And by the time you are done, you are years into it and tens of millions of dollars. [We've] been on a path to take that tech and break it down, so it's more digestible and it's more disruptive to the marketplace. [You can] buy only the set of services that you need or [just] a subset of those services [in] a very cost effective way. [We offer] a great collection of biz app services that can be broken down and you can just take pieces of it at a time. So, if you already made a big investment in some ERP system, [we can] augment that." "The real opportunity Dynamics when you see that low share is - it's all growth. We just feel like it's all upside." Такой вот сейчас AX7 (FOE) "service" - подключил, отключил. Задешево. Ага. Говорится о разных кирпичах под вывеской Dynamics, но специально создается впечатление что такая ("новая", "дешевле") избирательность возможна внутри кирпича. Ага. Как тут не не быть злым когда "Дураку хоть плюй в глаза, а он: это божья роса.". |