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Старый 08.05.2008, 11:49   #1  
AnnK is offline
15 / 12 (1) ++
Регистрация: 04.03.2008
Support Specialist Dynamics to Microsoft Moscow
- Provide rapid support regarding critical problems.
- Solve complex level of problems involving Dynamics product knowledge. Provide solutions that satisfy customers which will involve handling difficult situations (complaint handling, sensitive customer, mission critical)
- Write and review technical articles of sample programs in order to distribute technical information to all customers
- Develop and deliver internal GTSC and customer technical trainings/workshops in speciality areas.
- Perform technical mentoring and assisting Technical Account Manager’s to ensure the quality of support given. Define training roadmaps for technical development of other engineers.
- Assist in special projects in conjunction with other Microsoft departments (Consulting Services, Pre-Sales)
- Manage hot-site issues by setting customer expectations, devising action plans
- Use sophisticated tools to analyze complex problems and develop solutions to meet customer needs.
- Represent Microsoft in any forum (i.e. seminars, technical or marketing, conferences event).
- Work with local marketing people for product feedback, new product launches.
- 2+ years experience in general engineering
- ERP knowledge and/or any of ERP software work experience
- Knowledge of Microsoft product(s)/technologies
- Ability to use source code where technologies require it
- University or college degree
- Advanced level of written and verbal English
- Strong execution skills and high achievement drive
- Analytical thinking and contribution attitude is advantage
- Good communication skills (experience in international environment is advantage)
We offer you:
- Young and dynamic team
- Unique opportunity of professional development
- International career opportunities
- Competitive remuneration package
[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']Please, send your CVs to [/FONT][FONT='Calibri','sans-serif'][/FONT]

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