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Старый 28.05.2009, 05:23   #1  
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AX UK: AX 2009 Virtual PC images expiry and guidance

There have been some questions recently around expiry of Virtual PC images both in terms of time-bombed Operating Systems and Microsoft Dynamics AX license expiry. Below you will find guidance on what you should be running, as previously communicated in posts a few weeks ago.

Partners need to be on the Refresh 1 VM that we released in February 2009. You can get this from PartnerSource here

There are two components that expire on the demo images:

1. The Operating System
The underlying operating system on the demo images has to be time bombed before we release them. This physically stops the image working after a period of time. Generally we put a year on them. The AX2009 RTM demo image that we released in June 2008 will expire next week. You need to be on Refresh 1 as that will expire in 2010. See note posted here.

2. The AX license
We also have an expiry date on the AX license inside the image. The Refresh 1 AX license will expire next week. We will post a new license to partnersource by the end of this week so you can update your VM. See note posted on updating the license here.
Updating the AX license in the RTM image won’t stop the OS time bomb so it is time to update the image you are using.

If you are not sure which demo image you are using then please see this note . It is best to update to Refresh 1.

We will release Refresh 2 of the AX2009 Demo image towards the end of June 2009.  If you have questions please email

Posted By Fee Nolan

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Старый 28.05.2009, 11:16   #2  
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Старый 28.05.2009, 11:50   #3  
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Старый 28.05.2009, 12:27   #4  
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Старый 28.05.2009, 12:33   #5  
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Хмм. Возможно тогда это у меня что-то с доступом. Странно.
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