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Старый 29.09.2010, 18:05   #1  
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daxdilip: Object Server 01: Internal Error occured executing stored procedure when creating session for the AOS

We were getting this error when trying to start the AOS Service after we restored an AX Database from one of our existing environments:

Error : Object Server 01: Internal Error occured executing stored procedure when creating session for the AOS

By seeing this error, I was quickly able to conclude that it has to do something related to the stored procedures which creates server sessions and client sessions, I compared the permissions of the sp's with our other AX databases and found that the aos service account didn't have "Execute" permissions on these 2 sp's and hence the errors, After assigning the permissions, we could start the service without any hiccups

I had a similar experience troubleshooting these stored procedures in the past which has been blogged

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