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Старый 20.11.2009, 20:05   #1  
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paruvella: Dynamics Ax Document Handling For The Mails Using Drag n Drop

In my previous article, I had placed the example of Dynamics Ax Document handling for the files using Drag ‘N’ Drop option.

In this article, we are going to see the example of Document handling for the mails (Outlook –Mail Items) using Drag ‘N’ Drop option.


1)      Create a new form in Dynamics Ax and name it as MailDragnDrop_Paruvella.

2)      Go to AOTàFormsà MailDragnDrop_ParuvellaàDesigns àDesign, right click and select the New control and from the control list select ActiveX control

3)      Ax will open the list of ActiveX controls box (ActiveX Browser) and select the  smmDrop2.smmDropWin class from available controls list


4)      Add a new method for the ActiveX control as follows 

void onEvent_DropMail(COMVariant bMailIn, COMVariant strEntryID, COMVariant strStoreID)


    DocuRef                 docuRef;



    //Here I am passing CustAccountNum as 113443 i.e. I am attaching the mail item to this customer

    docuRef.RefRecId    = CustTable::find("113443").RecId;  

    docuRef.RefTableId  = tablenum(CustTable);


    if (MailDragnDrop_Paruvella::docuHandleDroppedEMail(docuRef, strEntryID.bStr(), strStoreID.bStr()))


       info("Document attached successfully");




        info("not attached");





5)      Now create a new class and name it as MailDragnDrop_Paruvella

6)      Add a new method to the class as follows


public client static boolean docuHandleDroppedEMail(DocuRef                 _docuRef,

                                                smmEMailEntryID         smmEMailEntryID         = '',

                                                str                     smmEMailStoreID         = '')






    NumberSeq           numSeq;

    str                 tofilename;

    COM                 outlook;

    COM                 namespace;

    COM                 item;

    FilePath            archivePath;

    DocuRef             docuRef = _docuRef;

    int                 lines   = infolog.line();


    InteropPermission   permission;

    DocuActionArchive   docuActionArchive;

    str                 mailSubject, fileName, fileType;



    permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop);



    // Initialize communication with Outlook

    outlook = new COM(#outlookapplication);


    if (outlook)


        // Get Outlook namespace

        namespace = outlook.getNamespace(#mapidef);


        if (namespace)


            // Get Outlook mail item

            item = namespace.getItemFromId(smmEMailEntryID, smmEMailStoreID);




    // Check that the Outlook mail item was found

    if (!item)


        return checkFailed("Outlook communication error. The mail item not found");




    archivePath = Docu::archivePath(curExt());


    if (! archivePath)


        // The Windows path is used because the Outlook mail must be written somewhere on disk as a temp file before it can be saved in the database

        archivePath = WinAPI::getWindowsDirectory();



    // Get a new number from the document numbersequence

    numSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(DocuParameters::numRefDocuNumber(), true);


    // Use next number in numbersequence as filename

    fileName = smmDocuments::getNonExistingFileName(numSeq, archivePath, #msgfile);


    // Save mail as the msg type file

    fileType = #msgfile;


    // If path doesn't end with to backslash it should be appended

    archivePath = Docu::fileCheckPath(archivePath);


    //docuValue.Path = archivePath;


    // Create filename based on the path in the document type table and the filename (number)

    tofilename = archivePath + fileName + (fileType ? ('.' + fileType) : '');


    // Save the e-mail as a .msg file



        // Call save function on the Outlook mail item


        mailSubject = item.subject();




        // If the save function displays a COM error it should not be shown in the infolog




    // Check that the file was saved correctly

    if (!archivePath || !WinAPI::fileExists(tofilename))


        // Free the document numbersequence number that was reserved if the file wasn't found



        return checkFailed("The file could not be saved");






    // Mark the document numbersequence number is used



    // Create the document

    docuRef.Name = mailSubject;

    docuRef.TypeId = "Fil";                     // this value is File here.

    docuRef.Notes = "";

    docuRef.RefCompanyId = curExt();

    docuRef.Restriction = DocuRestriction::Internal;

    docuRef.InterCompanySkipUpdate = InterCompanySkipUpdate::No;

    docuRef.smmTable = boolean::true;

    docuRef.ActualCompanyId = curExt();

    docuRef.PartyId = "2";

    docuRef.ContactPersonId = "";

    docuRef.DEL_BusRelAccount = "";

    docuRef.AuthorId = "100";                   //curUserid -- employee Id

    docuRef.smmEMailEntryID = smmEMailEntryID;

    docuRef.smmEMailStoreID = smmEMailStoreID;

    docuRef.DEL_CampaignId = "";

    docuRef.EncyclopediaItemId = "";






    docuActionArchive = new DocuActionArchive();

    docuActionArchive.add(docuRef, tofilename);



    return true;



7)      Save and Compile the Class and Form.

8)      Run the form and open the mail box (make sure that two windows are visible by resizing the mail box)

9)       Select the mail from mailbox drag the mail and drop on to the ActiveX component of the form as show in below figure.

10)   After this drag n drop option is completed, we will be prompted with following prompt




11)   Just click on Allow button of the message box (it may appear 2-3 times click on Allow button always)

12)   Then the selected mail will be attached to the customer record as a Outlook Message Item (*.msg).

      Find the complete project for this example at the following location. 


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