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Старый 01.07.2011, 23:18   #1  
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ukax: AX 2012 Partner Kickstart for Sales and Presales–content now available


Thanks All for bearing with us on this! We’re pleased to announce the content from our kickstart day is now available to download here. You will find:

  • Presentations from the day
    • Morning presentations
    • BDM deck
    • TDM deck
  • A fantastic Partner AX 2012 Toolkit which takes you through all the AX 2012 content available to partners
Just to let you know, no more Virtual Machines are planned until after the General Availability of AX 2012 in August, so for now, please continue to use the pre-release build, subject to the usual caviats discussed in the Kickstart!

Posted By Fee Nolan

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