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Старый 26.06.2012, 14:32   #1  
HRMS is offline
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Регистрация: 25.03.2008
Vacancy Engagement Manager - MS Dynamics (Moscow)
Microsoft is currently looking for Engagement Manager (Microsoft Dynamics)

The opportunity

Services project, delivery or engagement manager – whatever you consider yourself to be, this is your opportunity to work with leading edge technologies and solve complex IT and business challenges on the Microsoft platform.

The Engagement Manager (EM) is responsible for engagement delivery quality and customer satisfaction by structuring and managing deals through completion.
The Engagement Manager role owns the problem statement from the perspective of the customer. This role has the responsibility of assembling the consulting delivery team and ensuring the team both structures and executes on the problem solving methodology correctly and to the agreed budget.

The EM:

· Manages engagement risk and delivery quality.
· Establishes the processes to support the engagement, including setting up charge codes, defining the project calendar, and defining deliverable acceptance and reporting procedures. Project initiation also includes validating scope, conducting project kickoff and holding Conditions of Satisfaction (COS) discussions with stakeholders.
· Tracks the performance of the engagement, the quality of project deliverables and reports on the effectiveness of the engagement against the baseline plan.
· Builds his/her time into engagements as appropriate to allow for mitigation of engagement risk and to achieve the required level of billable utilization set by the business.
· Reviews and approves consultant and partner billable hours and expenses each week, and reviews and approves client invoices before they are sent.
· Defines in advance the acceptance criteria for each project deliverable, works with the team to establish delivery dates for each deliverable, and oversees the review of client deliverables to ensure they meet all client acceptance criteria, securing sign-off on each deliverable as defined in the SOW.

It’s your chance to:
  • Work with leading-edge technology and some of the most experienced Microsoft technology consultants in the world
  • Fuel your passion for deploying new and interesting technology to deliver business results to Microsoft’s clients
  • Build on strong sales and project management skills whilst developing new business management and technical insight
Skills and qualifications:
  • Consulting background with a broad understanding of Microsoft Dynamics (CRM or AX)
  • Excellent project management skills and the ability to prioritize your portfolio
  • Sales experience
  • Strategic and analytical thinker with an eye for detail
  • Degree or equivalent in IT or management, and ideally an MBA
  • Strong written skills in both Russian and English and ability to structure key architectural and strategy documents
  • Trainings and certifications on IT Implementation (e.g. CMM and CMMI), IT Service delivery and Support (e.g. ITIL Foundation), Project Management fundamentals (e.g. PMI or equivalent)

Please, send all questions and CV to the following address:
Contact person – Ksenia Aleynikova

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