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Старый 02.11.2017, 12:37   #1  
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Microsoft's CSP Program: The Why, What, and How for Dynamics Partners
Microsoft's CSP Program: The Why, What, and How for Dynamics Partners

Microsoft has made it crystal clear that the CSP program is the acquisition vehicle of choice for partners. What's not clear to Dynamics partners are the details around the program, options for participating, and a roadmap for how to make the transition to what Microsoft is calling "the modern partner."

Watch this Stratos Cloud Alliance webcast to learn:

-Why - Why you need to move to a CSP model - sooner rather than later.
-What - An Overview of the CSP program and options for Dynamics partners.
-How - How you can smoothly transition to a CSP model with the Stratos Cloud Alliance.

The presenters highlight their "SD2T" Program, a new program designed to accelerate partners entry into the cloud market with a turnkey Dynamics 365 practice - included a branded e-commerce marketplace and full service capabilities - in just 30 days, with no up-front investment in training or hiring of additional staff.

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Последний раз редактировалось mazzy; 02.11.2017 в 12:41.

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