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Старый 02.04.2007, 16:50   #1  
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casperkamal: Adding a Table field through X++ code in Dynamics Ax

   Sometime back there was a query in one of the discussion forum about inserting a table field through code. I did a small job to demonstrate that, just  thought would write that down in my blog too...... and here it is.
I have added sufficient comments to make it explanatory.   
 static void JobCreateTableFields(Args _args)

    //find the Table
TreeNode                   tablenode = TreeNode::findNode(#TablesPath).AOTfindChild('LedgerTable');
    TreeNode                   fieldNode, tn;
    Struct                         properties;
    Struct                         propertyInfo;
    Array                          propertyArray;
    str                               propertyValue;
AOTTableFieldList    lst;
    str                               name;
    Counter                     propertyCount;
    int                               i;
    Map                            map = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

    //Find the tables field node
lst = tablenode.AOTfindChild('fields');
    //add the field
    //now find the node in the tree
    fieldNode  =  lst.AOTfindChild('Test');
    //get the properties structure
    properties = fieldNode.AOTgetPropertiesExt();
    //Update the properties map with the required properties
    map.insert('ExtendedDataType', 'LedgerAccount');

    // get the number of properties
    // and the array containing the properties structure
    propertyCount = properties.value('Entries');
    propertyArray = properties.value('PropertyInfo');

    for (i = 1; i < propertyCount; i ++)
        propertyInfo  = propertyArray.value(i);
        name = propertyInfo.value('Name');
//see if we have inserted the property name in to the map
if (map.exists(name))
//set the property
  propertyInfo.value('Value', map.lookup(name));

    //set the properties structure

    //save the treenode
//Let us open the table
    //and see if the code works :)

click to download it from Axaptapedia

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