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Старый 18.10.2012, 19:11   #1  
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ax-erp: How to Set the Query Range on a SSRS Report

If the SSRS report is build with AOT query
SRSReportRun reportRun = new SRSReportRun(‘Report1.AutoDesign1′);
// Create variables for setting the range for the query.
Query query;
QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource;
QueryBuildRange queryBuildRange;
int i;
// Check if the query will return data.
if (reportRun.init())
// Find the Cust query.
query = reportRun.reportQuery(‘Cust’); // query name of the report
if (query != null)
// Get the Customers data source.
queryBuildDataSource = query.dataSourceName(‘Customers’);
if (queryBuildDataSource != null)
queryBuildRange = queryBuildDataSource.addRange(fieldName2Id(queryBuildDataSource.table(), ‘AccountNum’));
// Save the report settings.
// Run the report.;
If the report is build with Data contract
Here is an example which comes from the AOT – Classes – CustPamnManOutputReportController – preRunModifyContract method:
protected void preRunModifyContract()
Query reportQuery;
SrsReportRdlDataContract rdlContract;
rdlContract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdlContract(); // may be some changes require here if the report is running from some job.
if (rdlContract.getValue(#reportParameter))
reportQuery = new Query(querystr(CustPaymManOutputReport));
fieldnum(TmpPaymManOutputReport, SessionId),
this.parmReportContract().parmQueryContracts().insert(queryKey, reportQuery);

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