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Старый 28.03.2014, 16:42   #1  
OksanaP is offline
35 / 13 (1) ++
Регистрация: 04.11.2013
! Celenia Software is inviting middle AX Developers to join our new project in Minsk, BY!
We are inviting middle AX Developers to join our new project in Minsk!

Technical qualifications:

- A good command of English;
- At least 2 years in X++, .Net, C# or C programming;
- AX 2012 Development, testing, technical design knowledge;
- Agile methodology and strong organization skills;
- Experience with debugging and solving issues raised by clients;
- At least 1 technical certification in Dynamics AX.

Personal competencies:

* Team player, motivated and enthusiastic attitude a must;
* Able to learn and adapt fast.

Celenia offers:

- 100 % English speaking environment;
- Working with customers from North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, as well as the Asia and Oceanic regions;
- Multicultural environment (the company has offices in 4 locations – Ukraine (Kiev), Belarus (Minsk), USA (Atlanta, GA), and Mexico (Mexico City);
- Complex and interesting projects, across mature and emerging technologies;
- American management style;
- Flexible working schedule;
- Friendly, energetic and supportive atmosphere.

About us:

Celenia is a Microsoft-recommended partner over the world since 1999. Having close relationship with Microsoft Corporation Celenia follows the Celenia Global methodology, which encompasses the Microsoft Sure Step methodology, the Microsoft Framework, and our experience as a mature software delivery partner within the Dynamics marketplace.

Celenia brings Microsoft Dynamics products to the certification standards, incorporating strong application testing and coding best practices and participates in Microsoft events (Microsoft Convergence and Directions) on a regular basis.

Following the latest Microsoft platform changes and product development Celenia implements and applies the latest Microsoft Dynamics features in its projects.

Celenia takes a flexible approach to defining a project model depending on our best practices, and a client’s existing working habits and requirements. Project types include but are not limited to: integration, new-feature development, client support, implementations, upgrades, performance, and so on.

Contact details:

Celenia Software
Vera Golovach
tel. +375 29 3784505

Последний раз редактировалось OksanaP; 28.03.2014 в 16:45.

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