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Старый 13.07.2015, 20:12   #1  
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DAX: Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’ and the Cloud: an analyst’s (pre)view

Today, as the 2015 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference kicks off, we’re particularly thrilled to highlight and preview the upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’. We recently asked Enterprise Applications Consulting (EAC) to take an early look at the pre-release product, along with Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) and other key components of the Microsoft portfolio in order to assess our ERP cloud offering and their potential for customers and partners. Analyst Joshua Greenbaum, who founded EAC for more than 17 years ago, interviewed early Dynamics ‘AX 7’ customers and partners and reviewed the feature sets of Dynamics ‘AX 7’, LCS, and Microsoft Azure.

In the paper, Mr. Greenbaum explains how the next release of Microsoft Dynamics AX, running on the Microsoft Azure, positions cloud computing for a dramatic and meaningful shift. With a starting discussion of the long-standing customer promises and pain points with regard to ERP, Greenbaum explains the basics of our cloud offering and then describes the benefits to both partners and customers.

“It’s clear that Microsoft has made some very crucial and highly strategic bets, when it comes to the combination of Dynamics AX 7, LCS, and Azure,” states Greenbaum. “ EAC believes that these bets have been extremely well-placed, and the uniqueness of the combination of these three offerings bodes well for Microsoft, its partners, and most important of all, its customers.”

Enjoy reading this preview of the next release of Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’. We plan to release a public preview in this quarter and will provide more information about this release and the preview on this blog in the coming months.

Learn more

Download the white paper now!

Attend Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’ sessions at WPC

/Dynamics Team

About Joshua Greenbaum

Joshua Greenbaum has more than 30 years of experience in the industry as a computer programmer, systems analyst, author, consultant, and industry analyst.

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