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Старый 25.10.2007, 16:52   #1  
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Filter By Field
Fist I'm apologize for my English.
I have a following situation:

I must change ItemId lookup into InventJournalTransfer form, becouse I must display ExtCodeValue from ExtCodeValueTable (if any) for the items.
I have created new form in AOT form node.In datasource node (on the form), I have added two tables: InventTable and ExtCodeValueTable. JoinSource on the ExtCodeValueTable is InventTable and JoinMode is OuterJoun becouse some items may has not external code.InventTable and ExtCodeValueTable has link - InventTable.RecId = ExtCodeValueTable.ExtCodeRelationRecId.The form have a grid control with some fields from standart lookup (InventTable), and one field from ExtCodeValueTable (ExtCodeValue which is external code).
The problem is:
I have to filter by ExtCodeValue.When I click "FilterBySelection" on contectMenu in field column, it's executed filter method on the fieldControl.In this method I do this:
PHP код:
public void filter(str _filterStr)
Query query InventTable_Q;
query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(ExtCodeValueTable)).joinMode() == JoinMode::OuterJoin)

the filter is removed from removeFilter method on the InventTable datasource that I have overrided.
public void removeFilter()
    Query query = InventTable_Q;
    if(query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(ExtCodeValueTable)).joinMode() == JoinMode::InnerJoin)
To this all is ok , but when i filtering with "Find by Field" from context menu on the ExtCodeValue column, I want to change also JoinMode to InnerJoin.The problem is that I dont know which method is invoked for this comand. The Dasource(InventTable) method findValue() is not invoked although that in the help write exact this.

thank you in advance.

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