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Старый 01.10.2010, 15:03   #1  
HRMS is offline
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Регистрация: 25.03.2008
Microsoft is looking for Dev Lead AX (Moscow)
Microsoft is looking for a Senior Development Lead AX, who will be based in Moscow office.

Core responsibilities will include:

· Attract, lead, train, mentor, grow, and retain developer talent
· Develop comprehensive plans assuring the overall quality of the project, including functionality, security, performance and scalability
· Collaborating with Test and Program Management to ensure the features meet product requirements, are shipped with high quality, and on schedule
· Enable adoption of engineering excellence/best practices
· Bring visibility to the health of the product
· Estimating, designing and delivering features for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Job Requirements:

· Solid management skills at high-quality, timely execution, planning, and team building
· Strong leadership skills in defining the vision, ownership, metrics, and execution plan for a problem area
· Self-directed execution and deep, end-to-end ownership of one’s commitments
· Highly effective communication and collaboration across teams
· Mastery of solving hard problems in a directed, methodical, data-driven manner
· Excellent large-scale design and implementation skills
· Deep commitment to high quality and engineering discipline
· At least five years of solid experience with software engineering in the industry
· Bachelor’s degree or higher in computer science or related fields

If you are interested in this role, please send your CVs or any questions via email:

Thank you,

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