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Старый 26.03.2011, 10:11   #1  
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sumitax: AX2012 – Interview with Kees Hertogh – Microsoft’s Dynamics AX Product Director

Here is excerpt from Questions and Answers about AX2012 with Kees Hertogh . The key points  of the discussion regarding AX2012
  1.  Windows XP will not be supported as Client OS. Windows Vista and Windows 7 will be supported.
  2.  The objects in AOT will be accessible through Visual Studio to provide more .NET Interoperability and will support full intellisense for AOT objects from Visual Studio.
  3. More document detailing out the Chart of Account/New Dimensions strcuture will be available in Q2 of this calender year.
  4. The CRM 2011 Beta Connector for AX2012 has been releasead and right now in premises and in the cloud.
Refer below link for more details

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