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Старый 26.04.2011, 23:46   #1  
Vadik is offline
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Адрес: гражданин Москвы
New Prices for Microsoft Certifications Exams
New Prices for Microsoft Certifications Exams
Effective July 1, 2011, the retail price of Microsoft Certifications will increase worldwide.* This change reflects the significant value that our certifications provide to our customers and our continual investment in new and enhanced Microsoft Certifications and other program improvements.
Q. What are the reasons for the price increase?
A. The price increase for select Microsoft Certification exams reflects the significant value that our certifications provide to our customers and our continual investment in new and enhanced Microsoft Certifications and other program improvements.
All of these changes reflect Microsoft’s continuing commitment to provide greater value to its customers through the Microsoft Certification program.
Вольный перевод:
- А почему так дорого ?
- Да деньги очень нужны

На заметку: в России цена экзамена повышается с $50 до $80
-ТСЯ или -ТЬСЯ ?
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: gl00mie (1).
microsoft, сертификация


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