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sumitsaxfactor: Dimension Provider Class and Run-time dimension ranges [AX 2012]
Источник: http://sumitsaxfactor.wordpress.com/...anges-ax-2012/
============== While working on a requirement for ledger amounts, I had to find out a way to filter the transactions for a specific dimension value of a specific dimension type; from ledger transactions of a main account. Now had it been Ax 2009, it was pretty simple where you could provide a range on Dimensions[arrayIndex] field. But in Ax 2012 the dimensions on a transaction are always stored a combination value rather than a separate value. While running the query, I found a support provided by MS where-in all the dimensions will be added as fields for a table having Ledger dimensions on run-time. Now if we were running a query manually, we will be able to specify the range manually as shown below: For demo purpose, I am using GeneralJournalAccountEntry table that holds the amounts for transactions posted to a main account ![]() Now try and add a range, when you select the drop-down on the Field column, you will notice new fields added to the drop-down ![]() The concept behind is that, these fields are added at run-time and when you add a range to any of these fields, a view (DimensionAttributeLevelValueView) will be dynamically added for each field range record you create, as a child DS for GeneralJournalAccountEntry ![]() This is what the SQL statement looks like at the backend SELECT*FROM GeneralJournalAccountEntry(GeneralJournalAccountEntry_1)JOIN*FROM DimensionAttributeLevelValueView(DimAttCol_GeneralJournalAccountEntry_1_LedgerDimension_5637145354)ON GeneralJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension = DimensionAttributeLevelValueView.ValueCombinationRecId AND((DimensionAttribute = 5637145354))AND((DisplayValue =N’000001′)) Now when we are running queries manually, we can specify such kind of a range, what if we have to do the same thing while running a query at a backend or through a code? Here comes the DimensionProvider class to our rescue. This class will help us add such ranges as required. Look at the sample job below for some guidance. staticvoid addDimensionRange(Args _args) { Query query = new Query(); QueryRun queryRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; DimensionProvider dimensionProvider = new DimensionProvider(); GeneralJournalAccountEntry accEntry; DimensionAttribute dimAttr; Name dimAttrNameEmpl, dimAttrNameCostCenter; int i; ; selectfirstOnly dimAttr where dimAttr.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimAttributeHcmWorker); dimAttrNameEmpl = dimAttr.Name; selectfirstOnly dimAttr where dimAttr.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimAttributeOMCostCenter); dimAttrNameCostCenter = dimAttr.Name; qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(GeneralJournalAccountEntry)); dimensionProvider.addAttributeRangeToQuery(query, qbds.name(), fieldStr(GeneralJournalAccountEntry, LedgerDimension), DimensionComponent::DimensionAttribute, SysQuery::valueNotEmptyString(), dimAttrNameEmpl, true); dimensionProvider.addAttributeRangeToQuery(query, qbds.name(), fieldStr(GeneralJournalAccountEntry, LedgerDimension), DimensionComponent::DimensionAttribute, SysQuery::valueNotEmptyString(), dimAttrNameCostCenter, true); queryRun = new QueryRun(query); queryRun.prompt(); while(queryRun.next()) { accEntry = queryRun.get(tableNum(GeneralJournalAccountEntry)); info(strFmt("%1 %2", DimensionAttributeValueCombination::find(accEntry.LedgerDimension).DisplayValue, accEntry.AccountingCurrencyAmount)); } }Here is the sample output log ![]() This is how the query will be if you prompt the query ![]() ![]() Источник: http://sumitsaxfactor.wordpress.com/...anges-ax-2012/
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Теги |
ax2012, dimensions |