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Старый 03.01.2014, 21:03   #1  
xdiego84 is offline
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Posting invoice performance issue
Hello to all group users, i'm a consultant with more that 4 years of experience on Axapta since 2009 to 2012 version.

I have a performance issue at the posting of a sales invoice from a sales order has more than 100+ rows.
The issue made both on customer and on a standard CU7 Dynamics AX 2012 R2 release.
The last one machine, the demo CU7, has solid state disks and a huge quantity of RAM.

The inventory dimensions is Site, Warehouse and Wharehose Location.
No special need, only create a order and post the invoice.

The case is:

* Create a sales order header
* Insert a lot of lines, about 150
* Post directly the invoice (CIL Activated)

The total time need for posting is 40 seconds, i thing is a very very low performance for the posting phase.
If i try to put down more that 1000 rows the system hangs and the total time will more that 10 minutes.

Anyone has similar problem? What can i do for optimize?


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