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Старый 03.09.2019, 10:12   #1  
Ventainais is offline
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Регистрация: 31.08.2019
Ax 12. R3 SSRS report BusinessLogic class method changes are not reflected in the report
Hello all!

I updated code in BusinessLogic class, recompiled it, redeployed the report and compiled INC CIL but the changes are not reflected in the report.

In the report I have a text-box with expression "getGroupTotal()" which returns an integer value 10 for testing, but when I generate the report it shows that methods previous calculated value.
If I change the expression to show any other variable without using BL methods then the report shows the change.

I tried to delete Visual Studio and Ax cache files, AOS restart but that didn't helped.

I would appreciate any help
If any other information is needed to help me, please ask.

Название: getGroupTotal_1.png
Просмотров: 149

Размер: 8.7 Кб

Название: getGroupTotal_2.png
Просмотров: 152

Размер: 3.2 Кб

Название: getGroupTotal_3.png
Просмотров: 152

Размер: 3.8 Кб

Название: getGroupTotal_4.png
Просмотров: 149

Размер: 4.5 Кб

Название: getGroupTotal_5.png
Просмотров: 158

Размер: 2.7 Кб

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