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Старый 09.04.2008, 00:05   #1  
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Send alerts to online users in AX 4.0

When I started looking for how to send an alert to online users I found very few links on this topic. Here they are:
I compiled everything and created the little project AlertFromCode.xpo that can be useful in daily administrator work. A few words about that:

- Send Alerts button on Online Users form

- Send Alert dialog where a user can choose various options

for example, to send the alert by:
  • popup window inside AX environment (it can be seen on EventAlertInbox form)
  • e-mail to the mailboxes of recipients
  • net send command to the computer which the user connected from
moreover, it is possible to log results of e-mail and net sending attempts in Infolog (they are not stored in EventAlertInbox)


Name of sender which placed in Subject of the message is taken from appropriate E-mail Templates which chosen in Alert Parameters.

Keep in mind that Alerter Service should be started on the client side in order to receive messages of net send command. If not the class will show the warning but it takes much time to wait for a response from the command.

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