15.02.2010, 10:40 | #1 |
Создание карточки через консольное приложение
Добрый день!
Пытаюсь создать консольное приложение.При его запуске должна создаваться карточка ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ с заполненными обязательными полями. Написал небольшой код.Выдаётся ошибка: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. Подскажите в чём может быть ошибка. static void Main(string[] args) { // Create and configure the CrmDiscoveryService Web service proxy. CrmDiscoveryService discoveryService = new CrmDiscoveryService(); discoveryService.UseDefaultCredentials = true; discoveryService.Url = "http://[адр_серв]/MSCRMServices/2007/AD/CrmDiscoveryService.asmx"; // Retrieve the list of organizations that the logged on user belongs to. RetrieveOrganizationsRequest orgRequest = new RetrieveOrganizationsRequest(); //orgRequest.UserId = args[0]; //orgRequest.Password = args[1]; RetrieveOrganizationsResponse orgResponse = (RetrieveOrganizationsResponse)discoveryService.Execute(orgRequest); // Locate the target organization in the list and Decalre the Security Token to Access CrmService. CrmService service = new CrmService(); CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken(); foreach (OrganizationDetail orgDetail in orgResponse.OrganizationDetails) // It is only One organization in our case .. { Console.WriteLine("*Organization : " + orgDetail.OrganizationName); token.OrganizationName = orgDetail.OrganizationName; Console.WriteLine("*Organization Url : " + orgDetail.CrmServiceUrl); service.Url = orgDetail.CrmServiceUrl; } string name_ = "qweasd"; //код пересмотра CrmNumber numrevision = null; numrevision = new CrmNumber(); numrevision.Value = 0; //Прайс-лист Lookup lookuppricelevelid = null; Guid pricelevelGuid = new Guid("721DDFBF-E26A-DE11-A2A2-000E0C4BF7BF"); lookuppricelevelid = new Lookup(); lookuppricelevelid.Value = pricelevelGuid; //Валюта Lookup lookuptransactioncurrencyid = null; Guid currencyGuid = new Guid("8E3C79F6-4F2B-DE11-A2A2-000E0C4BF7BF"); lookuptransactioncurrencyid = new Lookup(); lookuptransactioncurrencyid.Value = currencyGuid; //Потенциальный клиент Customer customcustomerid = null; Guid customerGuid = new Guid("2C4030BD-E496-DE11-9267-000E0C4BF7BF"); customcustomerid = new Customer(); customcustomerid.Value = customerGuid; Owner ownerid1 = null; Guid ownerGuid = new Guid("D5E8C2FD-7A6F-DE11-9267-000E0C4BF7BF"); ownerid1 = new Owner(); ownerid1.Value = ownerGuid; quote quoteCRM = new quote() { //quotenumber = quote.QuoteNumber, ownerid = ownerid1, name = name_, customerid = customcustomerid, pricelevelid = lookuppricelevelid, revisionnumber = numrevision, transactioncurrencyid = lookuptransactioncurrencyid }; Guid quoteguid = service.Create(quoteCRM); } |
15.02.2010, 11:08 | #2 |
Чайный пьяница
1. Зачем Вам дискавери сервис? По идее для создания сервиса будет достаточно следующего кода:
Код: CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken(); token.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.AD; token.OrganizationName = "название организации"; CrmService crmservice = new CrmService(); crmservice.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token; crmservice.Url = "ссылка вашего вебсервиса"; crmservice.UseDefaultCredentials = true; Код: Lookup lookuppricelevelid = null; Guid pricelevelGuid = new Guid("721DDFBF-E26A-DE11-A2A2-000E0C4BF7BF"); lookuppricelevelid = new Lookup(); lookuppricelevelid.Value = pricelevelGuid; lookuppricelevelid.type = "pricelevel"; Код: Lookup lookuppricelevelid = new Lookup("pricelevel", new Guid("721DDFBF-E26A-DE11-A2A2-000E0C4BF7BF"));
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