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Старый 28.01.2013, 20:13   #1  
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emeadaxsupport: Incorrect funding sources after changing project contract

I came across an issue where we had posted some project transactions and found that the project contract (customer) was incorrectly set. We change the project contract and we want to create an invoice to the customer. In AX 2012 we see that the invoice is created, but for an old customer.

The reason is that in AX 2012 the funding sources are stored on every project transaction when you post. When you create a new invoice, funding source is taken from these transactions. To overcome this, you can update the funding source by enabling the parameter “Use adjustment date as new project date” and then using the adjustment function. This should work.

We have had some requests to have the functionality reviewed and change for the future to be similar to how it was in AX 2009. Hence I have created the suggestion on MS Connect to collect your feedback for our development teams.They evaluate all feedback received.

So if you feel this is an important feature that needs improvement for you, please vote on this link here: Incorrect funding sources after changing project contract

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