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Старый 28.10.2006, 16:40   #1  
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Fee Nolan: Convergence 2006 EMEA
Convergence 2006 EMEA is the best place to learn how Microsoft Dynamics can benefit your business – and an unprecedented opportunity to meet with over 2000 of the key decision makers in the sphere of business management solutions.

William (Bill) H. Gates
Chairman and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft, who will be presenting the opening Keynote Session on Monday 6 November 2006.

It will be held in Germany, 6–8 November 2006 at the International Congress Center Munich.
At Convergence EMEA, you can discuss solutions, address your business needs, and establish and grow a true network of valuable working relationships that will help accelerate your business. In addition to detailed product demonstrations and in-depth learning sessions, a host of exceptional speakers will present.
Convergence EMEA is an opportunity to build skills and know-how that enhance your solution knowledge and business productivity. Because experience is the best teacher, we have designed our sessions and presentations to address the real challenges of the diverse industries and markets in which business solutions are deployed today in EMEA and to present practical solutions. Register before 29 September 2006 to qualify for the Early Bird offer and save ?200 off the full price (?1,175)
Source: Convergence 2006 EMEA - Home


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