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Старый 26.10.2007, 09:40   #1  
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Solutions Monkey: Convergence EMEA 2007
Convergence EMEA 2007 concluded today at Copenhagen. I presented Enterprise Portal session yesterday afternoon and did a repeat presentation by popular demand again today morning. Very good turn around for both sessions and got my all time high scores. It looks like most of the attendees liked my humor sprinkled throughout the session and the content + demos. Definitely it was “on”day for the last two days as speaker.
The presentation and demo were built around a scenario of enabling an account manager with providing critical customer, Customer satisfaction information and KPIs and trend.
First part is about exposing data and calculated / display data from AX using EP web forms and web lets ( example of UC integration. The second part is about leveraging MOSS 2007 KPI Lists and Excel Web Access. And the third part is about next version of Enterprise portal and the UI and UX (AJAX interaction) enhancements in 5.0 and comparing the similarities of development.
Also Role Center and Enterprise Portal was demoed in many sessions including Kirill’s keynote and was very well received.
I also had a chance to meet with a number of partners and customers and able to help many of them. I also received good amount of feedback on AD integration around WebShop type scenarios.
Evening we had a speaker dinner at Carlsberg Brewery and it was wonderful experience. The magician who came there for entertainment absolutely lighted up the environment with his tricks and jokes.

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