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Fred Shen: X++ code to remove identical copy
Источник: http://fredshen.spaces.live.com/Blog...E4E3!258.entry
============== Our client asked for a job to remove the identical copy from VAR layer. For some unknown reason, some AOT objects are touched in VAR layer but actually are identical copy. When the developer compared the VAR layer object with the one in lower layer (BUS, SYS etc.), AX showed it was an identical copy. Here is the example on how you can remove the identical copy in X++ code: static void FindAndDeleteIdenticalObjects(Args _args) { SysTreeNode comparable1, comparable2; TreeNode treeNode, curLevelTreeNode, upperLevelTreeNode; UtilIdElements utilElements, joinUtilElements; str nodePath; ; while select UtilElements where UtilElements.utilLevel == UtilEntryLevel::var && ( UtilElements.recordType == UtilElementType::Form || Utilelements.recordType == UtilElementType::Report || Utilelements.recordType == UtilElementType::Table || Utilelements.recordType == UtilElementType::Class || Utilelements.recordType == UtilElementType::Enum || Utilelements.recordType == UtilElementType::ExtendedType ) { //Should use join if for a normal table, but not applicable for UtilElements //Performance hit if use exists join select firstonly recid joinUtilElements where joinUtilElements.utilLevel != UtilElements.utilLevel && joinUtilElements.name == UtilElements.name && joinUtilElements.recordType == UtilElements.recordType; if (joinUtilElements.RecId) { switch (UtilElements.recordType) { case UtilElementType::Class: nodePath = "Classes"; break; case UtilElementType::Form: nodePath = "Forms"; break; case UtilElementType::Table: nodePath = "Data dictionary\\Tables"; break; case UtilElementType::Enum: nodePath = "Data dictionary\\Base Enums"; break; case UtilElementType::ExtendedType: nodePath = "Data dictionary\\Extended Data Types"; break; case UtilElementType::Report: nodePath = "Reports"; break; } nodePath = nodePath + "\\" + UtilElements.name; treeNode = TreeNode::findNode(nodePath); curLevelTreeNode = treeNode.getNodeInLayer(UtilEntryLevel::var); upperLevelTreeNode = SysTreeNode::getLayeredNode(treenode, 1); comparable1 = SysTreeNode::newTreeNode(curLevelTreeNode); comparable2 = SysTreeNode::newTreeNode(upperLevelTreeNode); if (SysCompare::silentCompare(comparable1, comparable2)) { info(strFmt("Element name: %1, Element type: %2", UtilElements.name, enum2str(UtilElements.recordType))); //Remove the node treeNode.AOTdelete(); } } } } ![]() ![]() Источник: http://fredshen.spaces.live.com/Blog...E4E3!258.entry
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