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Старый 09.11.2010, 17:36   #1  
HRMS is offline
96 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 25.03.2008
Vacancy of Senior Consultant AX (Microsoft, Moscow)
Microsoft is looking for a Senior Consultant AX.
The Senior Consultant in Enterprise Services delivers technical solutions to customers allowing them to maximize their investment in Microsoft technology. Building upon solid IT project experience relative to their level, this consultant will work with Microsoft's partners to assist customers in:
· The delivery of high quality engagements around Microsoft's solution areas, technologies and products in diverse client environments.
· Stabilizing developed solutions using Microsoft methodologies in complex customer environments.
· The design and development of integrated solutions using the latest Microsoft products and technologies.
· Understanding the relevant application development, infrastructure and operations implications of the developed solution.

· Must have a degree in Computer Science or Engineering, or equivalent work experience.
· At least 5 - 8 years related IT experience.
· Work experience should involve technical consulting, development, and deployment
· Must have a proven record of delivering business value.

Technical Skills and Knowledge
· Deep functional knowledge of AX (including Finance/ Trade & Logistics/ Manufacturing)
· Developmental skills for AX

Please, address all questions and CV to the following address:
Conatact person - Larisa Sazonova

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