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Старый 09.01.2012, 07:22   #1  
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sanjayjain: Windows Azure ‘n’ Action Café

Please join us at the Azure ‘n’ Action Café for the ‘lunch and learn’ online sessions on a series of topics related to the Windows Azure Platform. These are jump-start overview sessions including demos and best practices. We are partnering with world class expert speakers from Microsoft to bring this exciting content to you. Please register by clicking on the link below and adding the meeting to your calendar from the registration page.Session

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Windows Azure Storage for Disaster Recovery Learn how can Windows Azure Storage helps reduce on-premises storage cost by 65% and deliver automatically tiered primary storage, cloud archival, cloud data protection and cloud disaster recovery in one box.

Wednesday, Jan. 11th,’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

SQL Azure Database Service As the demands on IT grow managing and maintaining the large number of databases throughout the enterprise can be time consuming. How can SQL Azure help me manage and scale my database deployments?

Wednesday, Jan 25th, ’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

Windows Azure Hadoop: Big Data Today’s organizations face growing challenges extracting business value from their data. How can the Windows Azure Big Data Hadoop Service unlock business insights?

Wednesday, Feb. 15th,’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

Windows Azure Storage for Content Management Learn how Windows Azure Storage solution enabling active archiving, content search, classification, migration, backup, recovery, content management, de-duplification, and compliance for Hyper-V and Microsoft applications such as Sharepoint, Exchange, and Lync.

Wednesday, Feb. 29th,’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

Windows Azure Compute How can I leverage the Windows Azure Platform for building social media solutions, digital marketing sites, backend services for mobile development, or just web applications and services?

Wednesday, March 14th,’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

High Performance Computing (HPC) and Parallel computing. Leverage the Windows Azure HPC to quickly spin up 10’s, 100’s, or more instances to quickly perform compute or data intensive workloads such as analytics, modeling, forecasting, risk analysis, or simulations.

Wednesday, March 28th,’12

12:00-1:00 PM EST

Click here to register

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