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Старый 09.11.2012, 20:11   #1  
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emeadaxsupport: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 client crashes while posting intercompany invoice

Sometimes it can happen that Microsoft Dynamics AX client will crash while posting intercompany invoice. The crash happened when WPF post a message within a window proc. The root cause is way too many window messages (over default limit of 10000) are posted while the system is busy.

Immediate actionable work around for customer is to raise the limit of posted message queue, see

The workaround is to change message limit from 10000 to 20000 by changing the registry key value:




Windows NT




You need to do it on AOS site only. After the change in registry the machine needs to be restarted.

The root cause of the issue will be fixed in next version.

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