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Старый 17.06.2011, 13:13   #1  
Dark Smile is offline
Dark Smile
Junior AX Developer
16 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 17.06.2011
how to monitor changes on tables automatically

I like to do the following:

whenever a field is created on a table (or deleted or some properties changed), i will read the userId of the current user and the company he do the changes in.

So far i tried to work with the class SysDictField\new and added a Info() but in this class i can't get the tableId and fieldId of the changed object.
Same problem on class ReleaseUpdateDB and SysDictTable.
(The System runs through these classes whenever the described action is performed)

My next Idea was to get the information out of table UtilIdElements but this Table is not in the SQL Database so i can't set a trigger to it to monitor changes.

The MorphX VCS can't be used here because i don't want to check in / out the objects manually.

So anyone has an idea how to manage that?

And I'm sorry for the bad english :S

Kind Regards

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