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Старый 23.06.2009, 03:05   #1  
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AX UK: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Management Pack for Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007

We have released the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Management Pack for Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007 to the SCOM Catalog and also to the Dynamics Customer and Vendor portals. The AX management pack provides superior monitoring capabilities to monitor AX Application Object Servers (AOS) and makes an IT administrator’s job easier in AX deployments monitored by SCOM. This release is the first step in the direction of providing AX specific monitoring capabilities in SCOM environments and leveraging the existing SCOM infrastructure to provide a better-together experience for AX Customers.

The following are some of the highlights of what the management pack provides to SCOM users

· Integration with the SCOM Console to monitor the availability of AOS instances in an AX environment

· Ability to view detailed information about all AOS instances in an AX environment such as configuration, number of active users, AOS version etc

· Ability to receive alerts when an AOS instance stops running

· Ability to start and stop AOS instances from the SCOM console

· Ability to view AOS events, users connected to an AOS and status of batch jobs and tasks

The Management Pack for AX 2009 is available for download from the SCOM Management Pack Catalog and at AX Customer Source & Partner Source sites. (Partner Source) (Customer Source)

We’re looking to include a piece on this at the next Partner Roadshow which will be scheduled for September once everyone’s back from holidays.

Posted By Fee Nolan

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