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Старый 17.05.2011, 23:11   #1  
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dynamics-ax: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - BI Team and Reporting

Back in 2010, I did a highlight post here, of the new Microsoft Dynamics AX BI Blog: A new Dynamics AX BI focused blog!

During that time, the BI team behind the blog had posted several Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Screen cast on Youtube, along with some nice articles.

I think, it's important to bump this back up because they have now AX 2012 Reporting, with screencast, like the following.: AX2009 SSRS 42 - A Preview of Dynamics AX 2012 Report Development

For a list of entire screencast that have been posted by 'dynamicsaxbi', go to the following, which has a lot more than the BI blog has links too: DynamicsAXBI Youtube Channel

There are a lot of great vids, and one I for sure think everyone should view, to get a good understanding of AX 2012 and the Reporting Story that exists, is this video: The BI Story for Dynamics AX 2012

A great way to stay in tune for all the latest and greatest from the Dynamics AX BI team, is to subscribe to their channel.

That's all for now, and I owe this new highlight for this great set of resources, from a fellow Sunriser Audra. She is a peer of mine, and a great Dynamics AX expert, so everyone all at once... "Thanks Audra!"

Till next time.
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