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Старый 15.12.2008, 15:47   #1  
HRMS is offline
96 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 25.03.2008
Current open opportunities within Microsoft:

1) Software Design Engineer (SDE)
Work at the Core of Every Product We Build - This is where the fun begins for code gurus like you. As a hands-on Software Design Engineer, you’ll make decisions about design and feature implementation, using your mastery of technical tools to make a product vision a reality. If you like to write code and design efficient data structures and algorithms to develop next-generation applications or operating systems, this is the position for you. As an SDE, you’ll bring products to life by working with Program Managers to ensure strong design and Software Design Engineers in Test to ensure quality through testing. Ultimately for the SDE, it’s your code that turns concepts into new technologies and services.
• Be available to relocate to one of Microsoft’s Development Centers around the world. (Microsoft Corporation pays all costs associated with relocation)
• Fluency in C/C++/C# and a passion for writing quality code using computer science fundamentals
• Functional level English language skills, written and spoken requirement
• Ability to derive creative and innovative solutions by thinking "outside the box"
• Ability to solve complex problems, sometimes by testing and debugging code
• Experience in feature definition, design, and feasibility
• Demonstrated skill in estimating development time

2) Software Design Engineer in Test (SDET)

Discover Life on the Last Line of Defense - As a Software Design Engineer in Test (SDET), you’ll own it, break it, fix it, and own it again. You’ll ensure a product’s quality by making sure it performs as users expect it to. Part of the fun is how creative you can be devising ways to manipulate, crush, and sabotage software into submission—while creating innovative testing technologies along the way.
Ultimately, as an SDET it’s your input that can make the difference between joy and frustration for the customers. Since you’re keen on how things work, and making them work better, you’ll work hand in hand with the Program Managers and Software Design Engineers to design, develop, and maintain automation systems for use in development and testing cycles. Using the tools you create, you’ll pour over source code for trouble spots, debugging and isolating problems, and executing creative tests to find new bugs while regression testing recent fixes.
• Be available to relocate to one of our Development Centers around the world (Microsoft Corporation pays all costs associated with relocation)
• Fluency in C/C++/C#
• Functional level English language skills, written and spoken requirement
• Ability to solve complex problems and write automation systems and device drivers
• Ability to learn to author test plans and cases, conduct security and stress tests, and debug at source level after identifying, investigating, and prioritizing bugs
• Demonstrated skills in negotiation and conflict management

Whatever position you choose, you’ll make a real impact in the dynamic world of product development at Microsoft. Microsoft has an ongoing need for exceptional recent graduates to management level from around the world to help us build the next generation of software products.
Send Us Your CV
Submitting a C.V. is the only way to get to the next stage of consideration, the interview. Our recruiting team travels to your region regularly to meet bright and enthusiastic people like you, and we look forward to receiving your CV. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are updating your C.V. to send to us:
• Include your military status if your country mandates it. This will help us know if you are allowed to leave your country to work in the United States
• Clearly state your graduation date, degree/major and the university you attended or are attending
• Specify your technical skills (including programming languages and other development tools you know well), project details (both within university and at any jobs or internships you have held), and technologies you have used on those projects
• Describe your role in the projects that you worked on, and what you personally achieved
• Provide an active e-mail address, physical address, and current phone number where we can reach you
Send your resume to: for Full Time positions for Intern positions
A recruiter will review it, and if interested will set up a phone interview as a first step. And, by the way, we have many positions available, so if there is someone else you think we should know about; please share this information with them. For more information, please see
Старый 02.02.2009, 17:34   #2  
HRMS is offline
96 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 25.03.2008

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