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Старый 18.01.2020, 06:32   #1  
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msdynamicsworld: From the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV Blogs: Post and print; Fixed assets; List views; Customer data

This week on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV blog roundup:
  • Post and print function in Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Top six main features of fixed assets
  • Business Central: Save and customize list views for increased productivity
  • Merging duplicate customer data in Business Central
Post and print function in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Writing on his blog, Stefanetti noted that beginning with Dynamics NAV 2017, Microsoft removed the traditional "post and print" function, replacing it with a different function that lets you do more things by configuring specific sending profiles.

Stefanetti explained that when the newly posted document is opened after posting, you can go ahead and print it. He also explained what to do if you want to work with it the way it was in Dynamics NAV 2016. In his post, Stefanetti described the workaround to use the post and send button to send data to printer. He explained how to set up a document sending profile, how to specify a sending profile on a customer card, and how to test it "in action."

<h2>Top six main features of fixed assets

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