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Старый 21.11.2005, 09:26   #1  
belugin is offline
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4,622 / 2925 (107) +++++++++
Регистрация: 16.01.2004
Записей в блоге: 5
Несколько полезностей для Axapta

(Last update 15th August 05)

Project related to InventMovement and InventUpdate framework.

By-product for manufacturing
(Last update 15th August 05)

Project for introducing by-product in Axapta manufacturing.

(Last update 15th August 05)

Make your users happy, allow them to see the closed infolog again.
Object generator
(Last update 15th August 05)

A small utility that will come in very handy during the implementation

Master planning positive days
(Last update 15th August 05)

Fingering around the positive days in master planning...

Vendor remittance advice
(Last update September 05)

Vendor remittance advice that will display the invoices details.

Validation hierarchy for financial dimension
(Last update September 05)

Want to define hierarchy or limit the combinations of financial dimensions? This is the project for you.

Sales duel unit of measure
(Last update September 05)

A project for using dual units of measure for sales.

Negative on-hand inventory
(Last update 4th October 05)

date controlled 'allow negative on-hand'
Uploading journals into Axapta
(Last update 2nd November 05)

Upgrade proof code to upload journals into Axapta
I hate this project - change code at runtime
(Last update 10th November 05)

Try this for testing - how to change code at runtime.
Старый 21.11.2005, 10:28   #2  
mazzy is offline
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29,472 / 4494 (208) ++++++++++
Регистрация: 29.11.2001
Адрес: Москва
Записей в блоге: 10
Во человек работает...
Занимается Аксаптой всего с августа 05, а уже наделал полезных проектов...

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полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.

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axaptabuilder: How to build Axapta application from XPO files stored in Visual Source Safe. Blog bot DAX Blogs 0 22.11.2006 15:20
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