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Старый 28.10.2006, 17:43   #1  
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Pokluda: SysTest part III.: Introduction to test suites
In the first part I mentioned the following code:
static void RunMySimpleTests(Args _args) { SysTestSuite suite = new SysTestSuite(classstr(MySimpleTests)); SysTestResult result = new SysTestResult(); ; result.addListener(new SysTestListenerPrint());; print result.getSummary(); pause; } Simple suites

We didn't discuss this code in detail and we will not cover all the aspects of this sample even today. We will concentrate on the first line. Our test class usually contains multiple tests and to run them all it is easier for the framework to wrap them together (don't get me wrong, they are still independent UnitTests) and execute them at once. To do that SysTest contains SysTestSuite class.
What you see in the previous sample is creation of SysTestSuite class from MySimpleTests class. SysTestSuite constructor will take all test methods (see part 1 to understand what methods are considered unit tests) and add them to the newly created suite. To run all the tests now it is enough to just call run on the suite object.
Let's take a look at architecture diagram (this is extremely simplified diagram to show just the important parts):

You might recognize the Composite pattern there. Therefore it is possible not to add just tests into a suite but you can also add other suites. This way you can create pretty complex tree structure of suites (we might discuss later why that is a good idea).
We already know how to create suite from a test class but how do we add an individual test (or suite) to the suite? To answer this question we first have to understand how to represent (instantiate) an individual test.
SysTest::newTestable(new MySimpleTests(), methodstr(MySimpleTests, testInfo)) I know what you think. This must be possible to do it simpler than this. Well, you're right but we don't have to worry about this too much now. Once we have the test we should be able to run just this individual test.
The following job runs just that one test:
SysTestResult result = new SysTestResult(); SysTest test = SysTest::newTestable(new MySimpleTests(), methodstr(MySimpleTests, testInfo)); ; result.addListener(new SysTestListenerPrint());; print result.getSummary(); Now let's get back to the original question. How do I add this individual test to my suite? Well, if it is just that one test then you can pass it to the suite constructor.
SysTest test = SysTest::newTestable(new MySimpleTests(), methodstr(MySimpleTests, testInfo)); SysTestSuite suite = new SysTestSuite(test); SysTestResult result = new SysTestResult(); ; result.addListener(new SysTestListenerPrint());; print result.getSummary(); pause; What if now I want to create a suite containing two tests? First test will be testInfo from our previous MySimpleTests class and the other one will be testThrowErrorMessage from our previous MyExceptionTest class. We can't use suite constructor here but instead we will add individual tests using add method.
SysTestSuite suite = new SysTestSuite(); SysTestResult result = new SysTestResult(); ; suite.add( SysTest::newTestable(new MySimpleTests(), methodstr(MySimpleTests, testInfo)) ); suite.add( SysTest::newTestable(new myExceptionTest(), methodstr(myExceptionTest, testThrowErrorMessage)) ); result.addListener(new SysTestListenerPrint());; print result.getSummary(); Run the test to see our tests running (use print listener to see execution details and if you use job then don't forget to add pause at the end).
Suites of suites

Now let's create a suite containing other suites. Let's say that now we want to add a suite of all tests from MySimpleTests, a suite of individual tests testThrowErrorException and testThrowException2, and finally an individual test testThrowErrorMessage. The following code should be familiar to you now.
static void RunSuiteOfSuites(Args _args) { SysTestSuite simpleTestsSuite = new SysTestSuite(classstr(MySimpleTests)); //

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